Summer 2008 is here and the Philippine beaches for sure is the perfect destination to most Filipinos. This year, PinoyExplorer goes on the road for a Northern Adventure this summer, this time not with my fellow photogs, not with my family and friends but with the WikiPilipinas Team. You're right WikiPilipinas goes north for their summer getaway.
This blog will be a series of posts (hopefully :) ). This will give you a day to day updates of WikiPilipinas itinerary as it simulates the Philippine Tour Guide of the North. As a refresher, WikiPilipinas- the Philippine encyclopedia has a Philippine Tourist Guide inside its pages. Check it out so you can have a glimpse of your favorite destinations. And if you think you have something to add on, start writing.
As part of the itinerary, WikiPilipinas hopefully be visiting Tarlac, Pangasinan, la Union, Vigan and finally the white beach of Pagudpud. As you have known, the month of May is not just for fiestas but also a cultural heritage month. So, historical and cultural sites is for sure will be the highlights of the tour. WikiPilipinas gives importance on this and it adheres to the need of the Filipinos to know more about their local histories, be written and be told.
PinoyExplorer also believes that we really need those stories. Usually, we visit places but we fail to tell their stories. When we go to places like Pampanga or Vigan, we always look at it as a place for good pasalubong. WikiPilipinas sister site's LAHI and PinoyExplorer believes that we can offer more than just pasalubong. We can give them a "pasalubong" that can last long to their memories and can be shared to others. I am talking about stories, these are unique in every place and are still undocumented. As Wikiboy and Gus had said "In order for our history to be told, its should be written."
So, to those who love to write and has knowledge on their local history, its about time for them to be told. WikiPilipinas is the Philippine repository of everything about Pinoy and we should took advantage of it.
And lastly, to those volunteers who live in the area of WikiPilipinas Tour, you can catch them on the road, historical areas or in resto may be and you can come to have a personal chat with the founder and its team. They will be glad to see you and enjoy the summer worth while.
I.m in laoag, dumaan ba kayo d2...san kayo nag stay..vigan ba?