Saturday, May 03, 2008

WikiPilipinas: Hanging around Patapat Bridge

Painted blue sky seems a road to heaven

After our lunch, I requested to visit Patapat Viaduct before we proceed to Laoag City. From Pagudpud, its about 16 km zigzag road before you reach the famous bridge going to Isabela.

Upon reaching Patapat, we have seen lineup of vehicles parked on sideways and for a brief right turn, the 1.2 kilometers long Patapat bridge that I saw in my friends photos was finally witnessed by my naked eyes. This elevated bridge can be found at the foot of the cliff of the North Cordillera Mountain Ranges. Residence here and some tourist often referred this as the “French Riviera of the North”.
The Patapat road from our car's windshield

I have seen tourist like us who are also very busy taking group pictures and the picturesque view that encompass the whole scenery. Just like them, we also have our photo-op without noticing those vehicles who passed by our location. Motorist were already familiar with this particular scene so they manage to drive for about 40 kph.

group pix again...

After a brief photo shoot, we decided to go back. When we reached the end of the bridge, behold, we have found out the Mabugabog Falls. It is said that it serves as a source of power for the mini hydroelectric plant. Residence there said that, it's only during the rainy days when you can see its splendor with its water dropping rhythmically to precipice on the rocky shore of the sea facing north bay.

While standing at the middle of the bridge, me and George watch the amazing view of the sea and the luxuriant mountains that is 200 meters above sea level. The bridge itself is a superb craft of men and the fabulous scenery that surrounds it makes it really a breathtaking to behold. According to Jerry, who once passed by this area during his heydays of deliveries said that they use the old road that is 20 feet above us. Drivers who passed here use to sing to enliven them while passing this very tricky and hazardous roads that is compared to the roads going to Sagada.

The exit-entrance point of the old road of Patatapat

This viaduct was constructed to solve the problem of landslides in the area which have caused so many vehicular accidents in the past. Footed on the rocky seashore just several meters from the mountain side it gives motorists a spectacular view of Pasaleng Bay.

Next..Bantay Abot cave

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